Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Paul Ryan and the Catholic Bishops

Excellent piece at the Wall Street Journal on Paul Ryan's budget proposal and the charge by Catholic bishops that the proposal is immoral.  The piece is by Antony Davies and Kristina Antolin. 

Key lines:

"Perhaps we dehumanize the poor when we treat them as nothing more than problems to be solved, and we dehumanize the rich when we treat them as wallets to be picked." 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Romney - Ryan

Mitt Romney was not my first choice for President.  But I would have supported him regardless of who he picked for VP.  I suspect a lot of folks are like me, the choice of Paul Ryan for VP takes my enthusiasm up several notches.

More than anything else, Ryan seems to be able to articulate the ideas plain old grassroots conservatives hold dear.

This line from his speech at the big rally in Wisconsin caught my ear...

"  ...America is more than just a place ... it's an idea. It's the only country founded on an idea. Our rights come from nature and God, not government."

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Obamacare and the Forfeiting of Religious Liberty

This is predictable, but chilling nonetheless.  CNS News reports that a Colorado family that has owned a business since 1962 and employs over 250 people is being told by the government that a private businesses cannot opt out of Obamacare mandates for religious reasons.  Apparently the Justice Department asserts that since an HVAC business is not a religious enterprise, the owners of that business have no right to exercise religious freedom in what medical procedures are included in policies offered to employees.

At issue are a mandate to cover procedures that include sterilization and abortifacient contraceptives.  The owners, the Newland family, are Catholic and those particular procedures go against their faith based ethical beliefs. 

In essence, the solution the Justice Department suggests is this:

If you have a religious objection to Obamacare then don't own a business.  