Saturday, June 16, 2018

Is Objectivity Merely a Cultural Invention?

How does one reason with someone who does not believe in reason?

Rationality is facing some hard times these days.  Postmodern thought has relegated truth to subjective cultural bias and not surprisingly, we now are told objectivity itself is a racist construct of the white European culture.   

One sophomore level course will have students “explore how systematic logics that position ‘the West’ and ‘whiteness’ as the ideal manifest through such social constructions as objectivity, meritocracy, and race.”

At Redstate, an essay titled "Towards a truer multicultural science education: how whiteness impacts science education" is quoted in reference to the destruction of objectivity.
While “the [science] culture attempts to be unbiased through peer reviewing and consistent methods and methodologies,” this interpretation “falsely makes us believe that science is an objective enterprise and transcends culture. 
“For many scientists, we are convinced that objectivity prevents an oppressive culture because discoveries are independent of identity... Consequently, we unknowingly spread whiteness ideology.

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Thoughts on the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

I doubt this is a new idea, but I don't think I've seen it expressed in this way.

What does it mean that Adam and Eve should not eat from a tree that is described as the "tree of knowledge of good and evil?" 

I think it simply refers to the way we understand what is evil and what is good experientially.  In short, if God created a world in which actions have consequences, then the way we understand evil is through the consequences.