One of the great disconnects of the liberal progressive mind (I have in mind both political progressives and theological progressives) is the inability to see in itself the evils it abhors in others. No better example is the endless cry for "fairness". Somehow I wonder if this is actually a disconnect or if it is instead a strategy.
I know I've picked on Tony Jones a lot in the past. I've occasionally engaged in the comments section on his blog, but usually found that to be a rather fruitless exercise. At one time, a long time ago, I thought there might be some openness to a more conservative viewpoint there, or at least room for discussion. What I have found instead is a steady pattern of dismissal of most conservative arguments and real discussion only of a range of arguments at varying points left of center. If you are right of center, your views will usually be ignored and when not ignored, characterized in the worst possible light. To avoid being accused of the same, I will provide links and quotes to my comments below. (more)