Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Steven Meyer Gets in a Word at Biologos

I've not been a fan of the website Biologos. Since Deborah Haarsma took over the site it has been a bit less strident in relegating all creationists and ID advocates as anti-science rubes.

Steven Meyer's second major ID book Darwin's Doubt got a fair amount of attention at the site, Several different contributors provided reviews of the book, starting here. Meyer was given opportunity to respond here.

It was a reasonably civil exchange and Meyer thanked the contributors for that. His take on the whole of the discussion is telling. " I—and many others—have long assumed that the debate between our two groups was mainly a scientific debate about the adequacy of contemporary evolutionary theory. Surprisingly, the reviews collectively have shown that the main disagreement between ID proponents and BioLogos is not scientific, but rather philosophical and methodological."