Monday, December 27, 2004

Renowned Atheist moves toward Theism

World Magazine reports this week that Antony Flew, perhaps "the most influential atheist philosopher in the world" has embraced a cautious theism, a story confirmed by an ABC News story. It appears that intelligent design, argued for in debates Flew participated in with Gary Habermas, was the deciding factor. A transcript of an interview is available on the website of Biola University.

Interesting that Flew was once part of C.S. Lewis' Socratic club, but was not convinced by Lewis' moral argument. Recent ID advancements and Michael Behe's Darwin's Black Box proved compelling enough for Flew to become what he describes as something of a deist. Flew apparently is now open to a revelatory God. That this can happen to a lifelong atheist at the age of 81 is compelling.

I wonder if opponents of ID in public settings will soften at all. I suspect not.

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