Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Watching Death

There is so much being written about the Terri Schiavo case. I think rather than adding too muuch mor ink, I'll primarily just link to a couple of the better articles. This one, by Nat Hentoff, is worth a read.

And Thomas Sowell is eminently logical as always, today and yesterday. As is Peggy Noonan. The unabashedly confrontational Ann Coulter points out a bit of hypocrisy.

I have written on this subject before. Right now I am just a bit numb. I have been seeing this day coming for twenty-five years. It is hard to watch and hard to find words that haven't been used, arguments that haven't been tried. Killing of adults who are not terminally ill and are not on life support is now a legal precedent.

But we should not despair. We do not know what tomorrow holds. Perhaps this incident will be the pivot point for the general public to begin to take a new view of abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. Perhaps we'll still come to our senses.

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