Saturday, February 25, 2006

Christians responding to Violence

The Barnabas Fund has a petition online to urge Western governments to be more proactive in curbing persectuion of Christians. Since the publishing of cartoons which allegedly defame Islam in Denmark, the violence has been almost non-stop and Christians have at times been targets for no apparent reason.

Nigeria has been one hot spot for a variety of reasons, but Christian youths have apparently had enough after 30 churches were burned and 50 Christians killed. Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas Fund, commented: "It is interesting that when Muslims attack Western embassies it is news, and when Christians retaliate against Muslim violence it is news. But when Muslims attack vulnerable Christian minorities to take revenge for publishing cartoons that are nothing to do with the Christian victims, it is barely mentioned in the media. When Christian organisations joined with Muslim organisations in the UK on 18th February to protest in London against the cartoons, did they have any concern for what Muslims are doing to Christian minorities who have absolutely no connection with the cartoons?"

I have been hearing a lot about Nigerian Anglican Archbiship Peter Akinola in regard to the battle between orthodox Christians and revisionists in the ECUSA. Akinola is also President of the Christian Association of Nigeria and commented commented about the violence.

"We have for a long time now watched helplessly the killing, maiming and destruction of Christians and their property by Muslim fanatics and fundamentalists at the slightest or no provocation at all. We are not unaware of the fact that these religious extremists have the full backup and support of some influential Muslims who are yet to appreciate the value of peaceful co-existence.

"It is no longer a hidden fact that a long standing agenda to make this Nigeria an Islamic nation is being surreptitiously pursued. The willingness of Muslim Youth to descend with violence on the innocent Christians from time to time is from all intents and purposes a design to actualize their dream."

One wonders what the response of Christians worldwide to Muslim assertiveness will eventually be. Will Christians turn the other cheek and continue to tolerate the violence in hopes that the example of forgiveness will turn hearts? Or will the specter of sharia law imposed worldwide force Christians to actively resist? In places like Nigeria, it seems one cannot depend on the government for protection, so some have chosen to take matters into their own hands. In places like the United States, where we are still relatively free of direct attack, and the Bush administration seems intent on battling the more extreme elements for now on their own turf, we don't have to think too much about what we would do were we in the shoes of a Nigerian youth, facing random killing in our back yard.

The release of an anti semitic anti american film in Muslim countries, one which portrays a Jewish doctor in a Nazi like role and American soldiers as cold blooded killers doesn't bode well for prospects of calm, reasonable dialogue. Said one viewer "The Americans always behave like this. They slaughtered the Red Indians and killed thousands in Vietnam. I was not shocked by the film, I see this on the news every day." Al Jazeera I presume. Or perhaps a Western History course at a prestigious U.S. University. Apparently no one asked him about Pol Pot.

There are clouds on the horizon. Let's pray it is not a mushroom cloud. Let's pray we don't have to find out whether we would fight or turn the other cheek. But let's pray for the wisdom and strength to know and do the right thing if the day comes.

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