Thursday, July 28, 2016

Naturalism - Not a Scientific Necessity

I have often written about the scourge of naturalism on this blog.   The usual knock on both Intelligent Design and Creationism in its various is that neither are true "science", because the scientific method is built on the foundation of methodological naturalism.  

Short form of the argument is that unless scientists continue looking for natural explanations for everything, they will resort to a "god of the gaps" argument, say "God did it" and science will grind to a halt.  

Of course the response has long been that modern science pre-dates the advent of a militant naturalism and science as we know it is instead a result of men with a theistic worldview assuming that the universe is orderly and intelligible because it is the product of an orderly mind who intended us to understand it.

Over at Uncommon Descent, Vincent Torley has posted a long and fairly comprehensive rundown of scientists who advanced the cause of science from a theistic and usually explicitly Christian set of assumptions.   Included on the list are Galileo, Kepler, Boyle, Newton and many others.   Somehow this history is invisible to Theistic Evolutionists who often argue the most strenuously for methodological naturalism.  

Strange times we live in when Christians in the sciences ignore their own history to adopt a thoroughly secular worldview while attacking Christians who attempt to merely allow for the possibility that a Deity might interact with His own creation

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