Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Consumer Reports - Tacit Approval of Abortion

Worldnetdaily is a news service with a definite conservative evangelical slant. I don't agree with everything that has appeared there, but they seem to cover stories that get missed in a lot of other places. Today, a leading story is that Consumer Reports has tacitly approved abortion, referring to two articles in Consumer Reports on the Web. One is related to the testing of condoms , which is not in itself approving abortion, but the other referring to birth control in a broader sense, gives a wink of approval to Planned Parenthood.

Our society is so numb to moral issues that sex has become just another recreational sport. Testing of condoms and testing of coffee makers can fit very nicely into the same publication without a hint of a blush. And abortion is easily passed off as just another method of birth control, accepted as being as much a part of the fabric of life as washing the car or doing the laundry. One would expect this sort of lazy moral drift from some of the agenda driven media outlets on the libertine side, but not from a publication that has a primary purpose of objectively testing products and informing consumers of the factual results. The fact that this sort of thing so easily slips into the content of such a publication, so easily is accepted by those who provide a mere public information service, is evidence that decay is just an inevitable part of living in a fallen world, whether that decay is physical, moral or spiritual.

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