Thursday, January 06, 2005

Random notes from the realms of faith and culture.

Oliver Stone blames Christians for the flop of his latest movie. Considering that Stone pioneered the art of making "historical" films that play fast and loose with history, a technique that serves Michael Moore well, no one should be too surprised.

Michael Newdow is still trying to change the pledge of allegiance. This time, he is representing other parents who claim their kids are somehow harmed by the words "under God", since his daughter and her mother decided not to go along.

Kid Rock will perform at the inauguration. Many religious conservatives find this puzzling, considering his lyrics are laced with obscenities and graphic sex. And at the inauguration, crosses will be banned from the parade route. This may have been poor wording of a guideline that was intended to keep pointed objects from being brought to the event, but it is a curious controversy.

There may be no more gut wrenching story than that of the exploitation of child victims of the tsunami, a topic which The Evangelical Outpost covers this morning.

And Breakpoint has a good essay on the importance of a biblical worldview.

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